E6: Laura on Pie, Taboo Subjects, & Biking

August 15, 2021

Season 1

Episode 6

Episode Summary

Laura talks about surprise pie, all roads leading to taboo subjects, and bicycling

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Show Notes

  • 0:53 Laura loves pie … or some very specific pie
  • 2:22 What would your younger self be surprised about your present self?
  • 6:00 Have you received bad advice that you’re glad you didn’t take?
  • 13:00 Did you get feedback from anyone/anywhere that forever changed your self-perception?
  • 17:12 What superpower have you developed?
  • 19:30 What’s one thing you wish people knew about you?
  • 24:18 Is there a question you want me to ask the next guest?
  • 27:05 What was one of your forks in the road?


1 thought on “E6: Laura on Pie, Taboo Subjects, & Biking”

  1. I really enjoyed this episode. I especially liked the discussion toward the end about your connecting points between Laura’s wanting to discuss the taboo and Heat’s discussions with ordinary people and their stories. Now I’m going to have to check out the museum . . .


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