5June22 photos: Grand Canyon

My first trip to the Grand Canyon since acquiring the Nikon! And the maiden voyage of a clip to hold the camera on one of my backpack straps.

Sometimes, Big Nik was the best tool for the job. But I also had my phone, and Nik, Jr. for macro. Shots from all three are mixed below.

Macro? At something like the Grand Canyon?

Yes! There are still so many lovely little details, and I only shot a small handful of them.

We hiked down the Bright Angel Trail to the first rest stop, about a mile and a half. This was on our way back up.

I like taking shots of plants on the edge.

This one framing the river is one of my favorites:

I took these two shots with the intention to focus stack them—take the in-focus foreground and combine it with the in-focus background to get a shot with everything in focus. That’s still on my list of things to do. In the mean time, as individual images, which do you like better?

This one, I messed with the editing. I like messing with the color a little.

At one of the trailheads, an old house had been turned into a gift shop. But not entirely.

As we were leaving the park that evening, we saw quite a few elk having dinner.

One last look….

2 thoughts on “5June22 photos: Grand Canyon”

  1. Beautiful pictures of a magnificent place! Loved the glimpse of favorite people making their way down (or up) the trail.


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