Thank goodness for YouTube.
I mean, maybe I would have figured out how to put the attachment for my macro light on my lens, but it seems unlikely. The directions told me details about the eight different attachments and that I should choose the right one. They did not tell me how to choose the right one or how to attach it.
The first video I watched on YouTube didn’t tell me, either, but it showed a person putting the attachment on, and that was enough for me to figure it out. Faster than sifting through videos.
All that to say, I messed around with my macro light a little bit. It was a Christmas gift [blush] and I finally pulled it out. I expect, with the hot weather upon us, I will do more indoor photography in the coming weeks.
I asked Rocket Kid for something LEGO that I could shoot macro of. This is what he provided, along with my setup:

The rings are different filters for the light: clear, white, yellow, and blue on the camera.
I wanted to show you the same shot with each filter, but they didn’t all turn out well. Regardless, it was fun to play with!

Then I thought it’d be better to shoot something that was white or closer to white, that the contrast in the colors would be more. I had a book nearby, so I went with that.
I don’t know why the blue is blown out. I turned the intensity of the light down and that’s still how it came out. It’s neat-looking, but I need to figure out how to do the same photo as the other two, just with a blue tinge, instead of the fun craziness I ended up with.
There are many things I can do with this light, but that’s where I started. Fun!