My photography journey 18Apr21

The mornings here lately have been cool and lovely. Anyone who has lived here for a year or more knows to appreciate these mornings, as they will quickly be a distant memory.

I went out on the back patio and took the Nikon. The birds chatter endlessly out there—not complaining!—and I figured if I sat out there a while, they’d fly in and fly out and maybe I could catch a few.

I know very little about birds, so I don’t know what most of these are.

The first one to show up was on the neighbor’s roof. There had been two, but even with camera already in hand, I wasn’t fast enough to catch both.

The neighbor on the other side has an enormous dead tree in the yard. I’m not excited about its damage potential, especially if we have a proper monsoon season this year, but the birds love it. And when I’m out there in the morning, the sun is behind them and I get silhouette shots which I enjoy.

A tree in the front yard of a back yard neighbor—a hummingbird! Still, one day I will catch one in action. Today’s not the day.

The lead photo and this one are of the most common sightings of stationary birds—on the wall. (We have walls here in lieu of fences. It’s depressing.)

And, at the times when there were no birds … our tomato plants from last spring are still going strong (which is amazing!).

And the Climbing Daddy has taken to rooting plants—most often cactus—from clippings. At some point, we’re going to do our front yard and put them out there. For now, they’re in pots.

Have a great week!