Rocket Kid and I brought the toys and the camera to the pool for some fun.
It turned out to be more frustrating than fun, because of buoyancy and because the water moves, both of which make it difficult to focus the camera. Also, it was bright and sunny which makes looking at the (backlit) screen fruitless, so I couldn’t really see what was in the shot or what the focus point was or if the camera was actually focusing on the focus point. So the shots aren’t the best, but they’re not awful and kind of neat, so I decided to share.
In this first one, I particularly like the light pattern that overlays the fish and the floor.

We had lots of toys to choose from, and we attempted many things with them, and none of them really worked. It’s OK.

Then I asked Rocket Kid to go deep and blow bubbles, and I was going to take some shots of the bubbles.

That’s not the shot I had in my head but it’s interesting.
Here’s one showing the pattern of the light but without the fish. This particular spot in the pool has several angles, making the pattern a bit more interesting.

We have two alligator pool noodles. Rocket Kid calls them Weiner Alligators, because they’re alligators shaped like weiner dogs. He’s also delighted that they squirt.
Nine is a great age.
He was attempting to stand on one and what I love about this shot is all the bubbles at the top.

I took some macro shots of the tile, but I couldn’t hold still well enough for them to be more than blurry messes. This one of the decking turned out OK, though.

Finally, he built a LEGO thing and wanted it to have a photo shoot. While he was pleased with how they turned out, there’s really only one of them that I thought interesting enough to share here.

Have a great week!