1May22 photos: Gilbert Riparian Preserve

We have been gifted beautiful weather this spring—it hasn’t even hit 100 yet (which is unusual). I took advantage of the weather and went for a bit of a wander through a bit of the Riparian Preserve.

Whenever I do aimless photography like this, I bring three cameras: Big Nik with the big lens; Nik Jr for macro; my phone for anything in between.

None of the macro from this trip turned out well. It was breezy which was lovely, but that exceeds my patience for waiting for the air to be still so I can get a shot of a flower in focus.

One phone shot. This tree has a funky trunk, and I was able to lay on a horizontal portion of the trunk and shoot up into the tree.

If this tree was in a less busy spot, I’d definitely go back and lay on it and read a book.

With all the water and trees, there are tons of birds. I was very excited to get some shots of quail; I see them often when hiking and running, but they’re pretty skittish and don’t like to pose.

One of many bunnies:

And we can’t forget the bees and the dragonflies:

There’s a teeny creek running through one area:

This shot with the empty bench overlooking the water evoked for me a sort of melancholy that I was feeling at the time.

And finally, flowers against a fence. I took a lot of fence shots; sadly, this is the only one that I was happy with. That’s a thing about photography, though. Everyone takes way more shots than they like or show, and a good batting average tends to exceed a good shot average.

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