8May22 photos: ’round the hood

It’s been a while since I’ve just walked around the neighborhood, so I rectified that.

The weather was warm and breezy, which was perfect for a walk but made macro rough. Which is to say, I tried to take pictures of flowers that were alive but only got two. (But the ant on one of them is pretty fun!)

The dead ones played nice.

This wheat-looking plant is all over the place here. I don’t know what it actually is, but I really like it with the sun shining through.

Two shots of the tree droppings on the sidewalk. I couldn’t decide which focus point I liked better, and members of my household were divided. Which do you like better?

Sticking with the sidewalk theme, I enjoyed the shadows on the gravel that snuck out of the neighbor’s yard.

Things falling apart often make for interesting shots.

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