9Jan22 photos: Florida beach

Keeping my promise from last week, today’s shots are from a bit of time we spent at the beach while in Florida for Christmas.

We hadn’t planned to go to the beach. We were at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, and had looked up trails and such to wander around on. But we stopped in the first parking area to have lunch, and there was beach access. And so we spent a good chunk of time on the beach.

Photo of Rocket Kid's legs with wet shorts, standing on water's edge, holding his sneakers.

Of course, I took shots of the ocean and waves. I felt they were all pretty much like any other photo of the beach and the ocean and waves.

photo of small waves crashing on the beach

I enjoyed some of the plant life on the dunes.

And birds! Not tons of them, but tons of opportunities to photograph them. I was particularly happy to see birds that weren’t seagulls (in addition to the seagulls, of course).

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