In pursuit of avoiding carcinogens

Some of my healthy habits were in place before my ride on the cancer bus; some were a result of it.

Not having cancer again is one of my motivations for many of the choices I make.

“Everything gives you cancer, so why bother?” is common, and I hear you, and I understand your frustration. But that’s exactly the problem. We’re being sold countless goods (food, drinks, personal care products, household cleaners, furniture, clothes, toys, and on and on and on) that contain known and probable carcinogens.

We can’t avoid them all, but that’s not a reason not to bother with any of them. (As we go, I’ll share lots of ways that I “bother with them.”) Remember: better is really good.

One of the ways I have changed in the last decade is in personal care products.

To be honest, this hasn’t been as difficult for me as it would be for some, because I don’t use much in the first place.

One of the products I learned to make—and continue to make—is lip balm. Beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, maybe a little essential oil for scent. It works really well and the little tins last a long time.

(I use little tins instead of tubes, because I avoid plastic as much as possible, both for my health and the health of the planet. Also, each tin is equivalent to about two and a half tubes, so less work! And in Phoenix, lip balm melts. If I leave a tin in the car, it doesn’t leak all over the place. Tubes do.)

The other day, I mentioned to The Climbing Daddy that I need to make more lip balm—my tin is almost empty.

And just like that, somewhat impulsively, I decided to make kits again.

A handful of years ago, I made DIY lip balm kits containing everything someone would need to make four of their own tins, including something to melt and combine the ingredients in (beeswax is a pain). Scent not included, because there was no practical way to include the oils. (They need to be added at the end of the process.) Jar of ingredients, four tins, directions.

If you’re interested in one, they’re $22. (I haven’t looked into the cost of shipping yet.)

If you just want a tin or two of slightly minty lip balm, they’re $5 each.

Neither has any labels or markings, so you could add a sticker or label to make a little personalized gift.

Everything will be ready for pickup or to be shipped on or before December 8. Hit me up at heat.weirdlastname at gmail if you have questions or to order some.

0 thoughts on “In pursuit of avoiding carcinogens”

  1. Making changes for the better, even if not perfect improves your well-being, the planet and possibly those around you. More veggies, fewer carcinogens, less plastic bags … choose something.


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