Exciting news: we adopted two dogs! They were double-or-nothing, pair-bonded chihuahua mixes, weighing a total of 13 pounds.
They’re the bulk of The Kid’s Christmas presents, and “excited” is a drastic understatement. They’re skittish, though (reasonably), and they’re just starting to tolerate him. Learning curve for everyone.
We couldn’t agree on names for them (Scooby and Scrappy? Titan and Io?) so we kept the names they already had. Meet Bernie and GusGus.
The dog acquisition was such an exciting afternoon that it eclipsed his Zoom with a SpaceX engineer that morning. He had all of his drawings of rockets ready to show her, along with a list of questions to ask.

They talked for a full hour! It was generous of her to give him time, and he was a very happy boy.
Finally, I had the opportunity to take a few family photos. So photogenic! Makes my job easy.

And I’m still messing with Photoshop just a little when I have time and brain space. It’s fun to take photos that are meh and make them into something more interesting, like this one and the lead photo.

My priority is still getting the best photos I can straight out of the camera. But messing with them afterwards is fun.
Have a great week!