The Kid and I went for a walk in the neighborhood.
“If you see anything you’d like me to take a picture of, let me know.”
“How about this tree?”

It’s a nice tree. And I like the howling coyote on the window grate in the background.
I really like this tree. I’ve lived here for almost 20 years and the palo verdes are still just so cool.

“Mom, I bet you want a picture of me walking up here, because that’s the kind of person you are.” I’m not entirely sure what kind of person that is, but yes, I would love pictures of you walking up there…

“Look, there’s a cat by that house.”
“Take a picture of it, Mom!”
“I want to take a picture of the cactus.”
“Take a picture of the cat, then take a picture of the cactus.”

Nearing home, I noticed the remains of a sign post in a yard that I’ve walked by at least hundreds of times. I’m always surprised by what I don’t notice…