The Kid and his friend had a masked playdate at a park. They’ve been friends since they were two. While they played quite a bit, they did sometimes just walk and talk.

They indulged my requests to take pictures through the drain holes in the wall.

To the side, there’s a plot of grassy plants. They obliged my request to pose in there, as well. (It’ll be a good place to shoot portraits when the sun isn’t right overhead.) The first shot, my settings were way off. The Kid and I played with it later and had fun coming up with:

Some birds were willing to pose as well.

I took another walk to try to catch the sunflowers at dusk. Came closer to catching what I wanted this time, but still a few minutes later than I needed to be.
I noticed some other flowers near a fence in slight disrepair, so I continued on to get some shots of those:
The properties along this walk have animals—mostly horses and goats—and a fair amount of land relative to being this deep in suburbia. They receive irrigation, which means they get flooded on a schedule. I saw the water running just recently—the first time I’ve seen that—and the standing water made for a nice shot.

This cat was laying (behind a chain link fence and across the small irrigation ditch) on my way out and had moved to a better perching spot on my way back. Just watched me, not quite completely disinterested.