My photography journey 17Jan21

For Christmas, I gave The Climbing Daddy a “grow your own [oyster] mushrooms” kit*.

It’s a pretty simple setup, and in about a week and a half, we went from having a cardboard box full of mushroom-growing stuff to a box with mushrooms growing like mad, ready to be harvested.

Truly amazing.

The Tall Daddy was here and remarked, “You can just about stand here and watch them grow.”

It was true.

Two or three days before they were ready, I took a few shots with the extension tubes.

The red tablecloth reflected up. You can see it a bit in the lead image. There’s no red in them at all.

That’s all for this week. Enjoy the long weekend (if you have one), do something to help someone who is “less than,” and I’ll be back on Tuesday!

*I’m not an affiliate. I just thought the kit was fun and easy to use and like to promote small businesses.

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