My photography journey 21Feb21

This week, I’ve taken photos that I previously shot and messed with them in Photoshop.

Some were of people who wish not to be shared (which I respect), but I was pretty excited that I was able to cut out the background and move a person with a good-looking end result.

I got an Apple pencil for Christmas, and doing the fine detail work on taking out the background is the perfect combination of “requires focus” and “doesn’t require brainpower.” It was a great break from writing.

I enjoy messing with the color filters and then routinely can’t decide which result I like best. (Either that, or I don’t like any of them.) So I take them and collage them in different ways. I don’t think collage is a verb. Or it wasn’t, until just now.

Here’s a bit of what I came up with in those meanderings.

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