My photography journey 24Jan21

Walking the dogs means daily loops in the same places. One morning while walking along the canal, I noticed some black and white ducks. I went back later that afternoon to see if I could get some photos of them.

I did, but none of those shots came out very well, so no black and white ducks for you for now.

Many other birds, though.

This shot I call Press Your Luck

And what is a walk around the neighborhood without a shot of a cactus?

This is the same cactus as in the lead photo. While I like this shot—especially because the sky so rarely has clouds like this in it—the cactus overall doesn’t look like it’s in good shape, which makes me sad. Saguaros grow extremely slowly, so this guy is old.

I’ve never seen anything locked to this post. Not totally sure what it’s there for. There is a gate that I’ve never seen open. Maybe it would hold the gate open.

I don’t care much for the pole in this one, but I otherwise like this shot. And yes, I could mess with it in Photoshop and see if I could take it out and let the photo still look good…but for now, I’ll just leave the pole.

I can’t decide if I prefer color or black and white on this next one.

The top of that post looks good on its own

And finally, with some rain we’ve gotten recently, all sorts of things are starting to bloom. I didn’t have equipment for macro (need to take another walk!) and all but one of my flower photos were meh.

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