My photography journey 26January20

I love the potted plants at Trader Joe’s! Why more than many other places? I don’t know. Maybe it’s simply because I go there nearly weekly and the plants are right there as I walk in. If you handed me a 20 every time I went and told me to spend it on plants, I could happily do it.

(If I ever got good at keeping them alive, I would start to not enjoy having another $20 to buy plants, but I’m not there yet. When I’m struggling keeping myself afloat, the plants are the first thing to go.)

Regardless, they often have mini roses. Whenever they’re in bloom. I bought a few last spring maybe? Or the year before? Or maybe it wasn’t spring? Time is funny. Anyway, I had some and they lived for a little while but not as long as roses should live.

I have five new rose plants now! I’m not positive they’re in a space that gets enough sun (roses like lots of sun, even here in Phoenix), but I’m giving it another go. Last weekend, I went to a rose pruning event and learned some about care, so hopefully that will help.

Anyway, when you buy them, they have blooms on them already, so after they were planted, I took out the Nikon. Enjoy!

In the same area, I also have a couple of aloe (not from Trader Joe’s) and two other plants that I impulse bought when I went to Home Depot for soil. I don’t even remember what they are, but they’re pretty.

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