“I’d have nothing to do.”

I have heard people say that they can’t retire, or their spouse can’t retire, because they’d be bored. They’d have nothing to do.

I can’t imagine. There are so many things I want to do and learn and try that I suspect that if I retired immediately and lived 50 more years, I would have plenty to do.

(That doesn’t even include all of the traveling that The Climbing Daddy would drag me along for.)

(That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy traveling or that I’m an unwilling participant in the traveling—I have loved the places we’ve gone and things we’ve seen and done. It’s just not really on my radar. I’m a homebody.)

In no particular order…

I’d like to write more. I’ve prioritized it in the last few months, and that has been great! But I’d still like to spend more time writing.

I want to draw and paint more.

I’d like to learn photography and get good at it.

I want to finally get this house all put away, clean, tidy. (Is this even possible?)

I’d like to get solid exercise every day. And use the foam roller and have a long stretch. Every day.

I want to talk with people and learn their stories and have intimate conversations.

I’d like to get better at swing dancing and learn other types of dance.

I want to read all the books on my wish list, even as the list gets longer faster than I can read.

I’d like to play my ukulele more. And maybe learn to play bassoon.

I want to share meals with people more often, whether I cook said meals or meet people at restaurants or eat at their homes.

I’d like to be fluent in Spanish and sign, and maybe revisit German.

I want to try more new recipes with fewer time and energy constraints.

There are half a zillion other things. Those listed are close enough to the top of my list that they’re all at least getting a little bit of time now. (Some more than others. Except  bassoon.)

I can’t imagine being chronically bored.



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