Daylight Savings Whine

It’s easy for me to complain about the complainers. I live in metro Phoenix, where we don’t observe Daylight Savings Time, and our clocks just keep going as they go, though our phones occasionally change without cause. No issues with children or pets who take longer to adapt, perhaps, than their adult human counterparts.

But what I did notice this time around is that some of the people who were complaining about losing an hour of sleep this weekend also stay up later than they want watching Netflix or playing games on their phones.

So maybe the issue isn’t necessarily losing an hour of sleep?

This led me to wonder what other things we do to ourselves but complain or resist when others do them to us.

In having this conversation with a few others recently, self talk came up.

Most of us would never put up with other people talking to us the way we talk to ourselves.

That’s a whole separate can of worms.

The interesting bit about that conversation is that all of the examples we came up with were in the realm of taking care of one’s self (physically or mentally). We sabotage ourselves, and when other people do it, we get mad.

So now I wonder: why is it OK for us to do it to ourselves and not OK for others? Why are our standards for how others interact with us higher than our standards for ourselves? And how do we determine where we expect too much from others and where we expect too little from ourselves? I assume it’s not all one or the other…

Lots of questions and not a lot of answers. What are your thoughts?

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