Free online resources for kids at home

Schools across the country are closing in an effort to help contain the pandemic.

This post is intended as a living resource for parents and other caretakers for online learning resources for kids.

They should all be free or temporarily free.

I have not checked every one. If you find any of these to be in error, let me know and I’ll edit.

If you know of others, let me know and I’ll add them.

All links should open in a new tab.

Online learning and classes through sites

Storyline Online

PBS Kids

Go Noodle



Vooks Storybooks

Prodigy (math)

Ivy League courses online

ABC Mouse (use coupon code SCHOOL7771)


Mystery Science

NatGeo for Kids

Into the Book



Highlights Kids

The Basic Band Book


Crash Course

Khan Academy

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems


Online learning and classes through YouTube

Dr. Selfridge Music

Science Mom

Music lessons


Online learning and classes through Facebook

Art lessons through Facebook live

More (different) art through Facebook live


Ideas for other things to do at home

These aren’t online interactive things but are lists of ideas.

30 Days of Lego Play

Little animal drawing tutorials (not video; through Facebook)


Virtual field trips/performances

Collection of “over 30” virtual field trips with links

Virtual museum tours

Plays and musicals

National Park Tours

Musical Instrument Museum

Center for Puppetry Arts

Metropolitan Opera


Art at Home seems to have a giant list, with loads of other stuff as well. If you’re not prone to overwhelm and want lots of options, head over there!

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