I hate writing titles

I know they’re important. Really important. I get it.

Maybe I hate it because I’m not good at it.

But where does one go to get feedback or training on title-writing?

The only training I’ve had has talked about titles as a means of getting clicks (“Use numbers! Five ways to write great headlines!”), and I guess that’s part of it, but really, I just want a solid title that piques curiosity in people who sift past clickbait.

I’m not selling anything (including ads, etc.), so it’s just a matter of sharing. I take time to write, I think it’s generally interesting, and I’d like people to read (and maybe reply! I’d love to be able to spark conversations!).

Thousands of people? Not necessarily. (That feels stressful, but maybe it would be OK.)

Only my biggest fans are going to click through and read if the title is crap.

It’s like when Dustin Hoffman realized that he had been dismissing potentially interesting women because of how they looked. (See that interview clip here.)

So. As with many things, I do my best, and people click or they don’t, and on we go.

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