My photography journey 21June20

Not many photos this week. I did some good learning, though, and know how to change a few more settings on the camera (and why and when I would change them). I’m pleased to be remembering much of what I’m learning.

The course I joined back in the fall has turned out to be good. Going through it as I might in a real class (but with the ability to pause to take notes, or rewind, etc.), writing things down, trying them with the camera in hand when it’s possible, I’m soaking up quite a bit.

I took these shots just messing around and practicing with some settings.


The lead photo is of a baby lizard that lives in the yard. We believe it’s from an egg that was in a tree stump and is usually spotted on the block wall. It was on our screen door for several hours today. (All those photos are back lit and didn’t come out well.) Then when The Climbing Daddy and I were out in the yard talking about good things to come, we saw the lizard on the pool deck. Much better photo op! (That one’s with my phone. I don’t happen to have the other camera on me all the time.)

I love lizards!

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