My photography journey 26July20


The sunsets here are nearly always fantastic, but we’re finally into the part of the year where we have such lovely clouds.

I went out to shoot clouds a few evenings and ended up with shots that were … decent. Not what I was hoping for, but some that were at least sharable. (3 photos in the slideshow)

After the views from a local park weren’t as good as I’d hoped, I set up on the sidewalk and still didn’t get much from the sky. Then I saw oscillating sprinklers along sidewalk’s edge, so I thought a long-exposure shot might be cool. Alas, the combination of the darkness (beyond dusk by this point) and not good background led to the shot not coming out good at all.

I noticed that lights from an idling bus down the street were reflecting in the wet sidewalk.


And then in the foreground (not visible in the pic above), I noticed a cool shadow pattern on the sidewalk, the product of the lit basketball court and posts on sidewalk’s edge. This is my favorite shot from the outing.


Finally, in going in the back yard (again, in pursuit of clouds), I tried a few shots in the pool area. None that involved water came out well, but I like this one.


I have access to Adobe editing tools now and when I have brain energy and make time, I’m going to dive into editing. But work starts this week and it’s all online so that’s likely to consume time and brain energy. Always more to learn than time and energy to learn it…

Have a good week! Next time, it will be August!

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