My photography journey 30May21

We went camping near Flagstaff this past week. In addition to the usual outdoorsy things, it was a great opportunity to take some photos.

I didn’t take Sir Nikolas Cameron everywhere we went. Sometimes impractical for the activity, sometimes too much water. But the little Nikon I got for Mother’s Day for taking underwater photos was perfect for sticking in my pocket on a hike or having near the water. Nikon Jr has a macro function which allowed me to shoot flowers (both alive and dried) and weeds while we were out and about, in addition to the ones I captured with Nikon Sr in and around our camp site.

Also, birds and bugs. (Additionally, we saw elk, vultures, hawks, a centipede, a javelina, a skunk, many squirrels, and many other birds.)

The rising moon was lovely, and I was pleased with this shot. It looks different on different screens, so I hope you are able to see the sky as blue and not black.

We spend a decent amount of time at this lakeā€”just wandering, kayaking, looking for wildlife at dusk.

Finally, Nikon Jr has some fun settings that I played with, including neon. Not the best composition, but a fun shot anyway.

What can I say? I’m a child of the 80s.

Have a great week!

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