My photography journey 4Oct20

You might have noticed there was no post last week. I hadn’t taken any pictures. I hadn’t done any learning. I had nothin’.

I’m happy to have pulled out the camera this week and have some shots to share with you!

My son was going swimming and wanted me to take some pictures. He had a head full of ideas, and when he finished sharing them all, he declared, “Now let’s make this dream a reality!” before running off to put his swimsuit on.

Here’s some of what we ended up with:

Some other things hanging around the area where I was shooting from:

The hibiscus has been blooming like crazy and while he was drying off, I took some shots.

A flower that was no longer thriving was still beautiful. I have three photos; the biggest difference between them is brightness. I can’t decide which I like best.

And when we came back in the house, The Kid said, “Mom! Do you still have out the Nikon? You have to take a picture of this! Look! With the reflection, it makes a heart!”

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