Tea review: series intro and Tigger & Pu

About this series

I have been a tea lover for a long time. Sometimes, I stick with a plain cup of black tea (whether hot or iced). Sometimes, I wander around, looking for my next favorite flavor.

In my wanderings, I came across teas from Loose Leaf Tea Market, a tea shop in Phoenix. I’ve tried at least a dozen of their teas and have enjoyed most of them. I’m thrilled to have found a local small business that sells organic teas. And I’ve become an affiliate. All links in this series, unless otherwise indicated, are affiliate. Your price is the same as it would be otherwise, the shop gets a customer they perhaps otherwise wouldn’t, and I get a small kickback for the referral. 

I know many teas are reported to have a variety of medicinal benefits. Aside from using caffeine to stave off migraine headaches, I’ve never used tea medicinally. While Loose Leaf Tea Market might make claims of what certain varieties can do, I drink tea for flavor.

My reviews here will be of teas I am drinking as I write. Anything I drank before right this minute I don’t remember well enough to describe to you.

My palate might not be sensitive enough to give you as much detail as you want. I’m not sure if I want to be more aware of subtle flavors, but if you have recommendations on how, send ‘em my way.

All of the teas I review I have purchased at regular cost for myself; Loose Leaf has not provided any to me, nor are they involved in this series other than providing affiliate status. I’ll post here any Wednesday that I have another flavor to offer thoughts on.

(I didn’t think until after drinking the tea to take a photo. I’ll take a photo of the rest of ’em!)

Tigger & Pu

They call Tigger & Pu a “sweet breakfast blend for optimism & happiness.” I just call it tasty.

Type of tea: Puehr

Caffeinated? Yes

How did I drink it? Hot

Tigger & Pu is a blend of puehr tea and a variety of other flavors. The result is very flavorful. It’s neither subtle nor bitter.

I first encountered this tea in an assortment and could drink it occasionally and very much enjoy it,  but I would tire of its flavor if I drank it regularly.

On a 5-star scale:

***** – This tea is so good and I could drink it every day.

**** – This tea is really good and I have or want it in my regular rotation.

*** – This tea is solid and I would drink it occasionally.

** – This tea is not my favorite. I finished my serving but wouldn’t drink it again.

* – I did not like this tea at all and did not finish my cup.

Click here to buy Tigger & Pu — sizes between sample and wow that’s a lot of tea.


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