
I’m writing a book. This is a little piece of it, written about six months ago. I expect that I’ll share a few more bits of it, and also that some things I write for the blog will end up in the book. Editing is likely. I was recently struck by the abundance of hope … Read more


When I got married the first time, my mom gave me an earful for not registering for towels. “Towels make good gifts,” she said. But he and I were both adults, combining independent households (we both owned our own places at that point), and we had more than enough towels. And we had received good-quality … Read more

Interests, topics, and what’s to come

My brain is swirling with where to start. A little bit of paralysis by indecision. I decided to just lay out an overview, so there’s less First Real Post pressure. I love health and fitness and expect to write about topics in this category often. Exercise, food, sleep, stress, support networks, balance, financial security, mental … Read more