Better than kind words at a funeral

I wrote this three years ago:

Last weekend, my high school band teacher passed away. Since then, a group formed where tons of people who knew him (mostly former students) have posted memories. A [high school] band reunion is in the planning stages.

I can’t help but think how much impact it would have had for all of these tributes to be said to him. Or how much more fun a reunion would have been with him there.

My message tonight is: if there’s someone who has influenced you and you haven’t told them yet, do it! Bonus points if you get others to do it with you. (What would be better than an unexpected influx of thank yous??)

And if a reunion of sorts is in order, arrange it while the members are around to participate. You just don’t know when it will be too late.

The reunion did happen. It wasn’t at a time or place I could go (or wasn’t a high enough priority for me to go).

Even within the constraints of time and money, a group “thank you” could be organized for a person who isn’t dead. Cards, letters, pictures sent to one collector who could organize them into a binder or scrapbook or something. (I did this for The Tall Daddy’s birthday a couple of years ago; he loved it.) Electronic would be better than nothing, but something tangible is better than that. Added points for handwritten, and for photos.

Who do you know has touched many lives? Whose funeral would draw hundreds (or more) of people? Why not honor them now, while they’re still here? Do it, then report back on how it went.

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