27Mar22 photos: South Mountain

We’ve been branching out and trying more trails at South Mountain. That plus the desert blooming leads to lots of desert photos. But it’s plopped right in the middle of metro Phoenix, so anywhere with elevation has a juxtaposition of nature and city. These cactus are some of the least friendly-looking, but this time of … Read more

20Mar22 photos: Peralta Trail

Climbing Daddy and I hiked part of the Peralta Trail in the Superstitions a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve not shared the photos yet! We met a lovely gentleman and his cute pup. Even though the Superstitions and South Mountain are not terribly far apart—an hour’s drive, maybe?—they have very different features. I couldn’t … Read more

13Feb22 photos: flower macro

Climbing Daddy bought flowers a week or two ago, and I used them for a few macro shots. I took one of the yellow flower seen in a bit of the background above. Using that shot, I manipulated the settings, ending up with these two photos: That’s all for today! Have a great week!

6Feb22 photos: Papago Park

It’s a hiking-heavy time of year. The weather is nice. Take advantage while it’s here! Saw a falcon, maybe? The air was not the best, but the Superstitions are always nice to look at. The sun and the rocks and the airport made for an interesting shot. And I love the look of the plants … Read more

23Jan22 photos: hiking

The weather here has been gorgeous and we’ve been taking advantage of it by hiking. The photos to follow are from four different expeditions. One evening, moon rise was amazing. Large, pink moon with wispy clouds. The photo doesn’t come close to doing it justice. This isn’t new, but every now and then I’m struck … Read more