If it’s carcinogenic, why is it for sale?

I wrote the other day about how I believe it’s prudent to be mindful about what we purchase, use, eat, drink because of negative health implications. It’s easy to be overwhelmed because there are so many carcinogens (and that says nothing of all of the crap that’s causing other adverse effects.) So if we know … Read more

A small tribute to Michelle

I was 31 when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It was around then that support groups for young adults with cancer and survivors of cancer were starting to pop up. I learned about one called I’m Too Young for This (some years later renamed Stupid Cancer). No idea how I learned about it, but … Read more

Sugar (CUSD replay)

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to present two sessions at my school district’s Wellness Expo—one on Motivation and Mindset, and one on Sugar. I’ll post here what’s essentially the transcript for each, editing for reading as needed. I was allotted an hour for each session, and while I didn’t talk that … Read more

Cancer and my grandchildren

I hope that one day, I can tell my grandkids about what I went through for treatment for lymphoma, and they can look at me wide-eyed, staring in disbelief at how archaic the treatments were. In the mean time, for the too many people I know (and countless more I don’t know) who are fighting … Read more