Joy and sorrow

Read this somewhere recently and thought it was kinda neat: We can only hold joy as deep as our sorrow has carved us. And then I got to thinking about it. The thinking ruined it, but let’s go there anyway. Like anything, the statement is not 100% accurate. Some people refuse to feel joy because … Read more

See yourself through someone else’s eyes

The other day, I wrote about contributing to my school community. Another great thing happened in that little piece of the day. I’ve been struggling with many of my classes. Without getting into too many details, my classes are not your typical elementary band classes, because that approach hasn’t worked with the populations I teach. … Read more


The sunsets in Arizona are pretty consistently amazing. When I lived back east, there was occasionally a sunset that really made you stop and just take it in, but here, it happens regularly. Almost daily. After living here for almost 16 years, I’ve not tired of it. I’m sure the photo I used for this … Read more