Update: accountability to self

In January, I wrote about a chart I’d made to track behaviors of health and self-care. I had thought—or, more accurately, hoped—that seeing holes in the list would spur me to do some of the things that simply haven’t been getting done, even if the increase was to once a week, or once every other … Read more

Right now…

From my Facebook memories: “Lots of sirens in the distance. I am snuggled in my bed. Every now and then, I am struck by just how different everyone’s experiences are right in this moment.” I wrote something similar at some other point as well, while a few close friends were going through drastically different things … Read more

Everyone is tired

The political climate is sucking the life energy out of us. There is too much to fight to be able to do it all. There is too much going on even to stay on top of it all. There are too many giant steps backwards, undoing decades of work. There are too many people whose … Read more

Accountability to self

Who are you doing it for? Are you doing it to better yourself? (In what way? Why?) Are you just trying to impress people? When you eat junk hiding in the bathroom, or tell your people you went to the gym when you didn’t, or pretend you ran faster than you did… why? There are … Read more

The path and the results

Yesterday, I posted more or less the transcript of my session about sugar, and I promised you that today, I would give you advice on dealing with all of that information and what you can expect as a result of your hard work. Read labels. (Ask me if you don’t know how—I’ll teach you.) Use … Read more