
A year ago, I was just beginning my extended school year as the result of a six-day teacher walkout in Arizona. Those days (the walkout; not so much the make-up days) were overflowing with so much emotion. Anger. Sadness. Worry. Emotions I can’t name. For example, being one of tens of thousands of people marching … Read more

Judgement and baggage, bravado! Oh my!

Things about me that make me “weird”: don’t watch TV don’t eat meat don’t eat much fried or sweet food don’t drink coffee don’t drink alcohol rarely drink other delicious crap (I miss you, chai latte!) avoid plastic don’t typically spend much time, energy, money on “girl” things (hair, makeup, clothes, shoes, purses) I have … Read more

Podcast quote: problem maintenance

As I mentioned a bit ago, I have been bingeing on Where Should We Begin? by Esther Perel. The first episode of the second season (“You Need Help to Help Her”), she’s talking with a couple who has a young adult daughter with problems. Most of the details of the episode aren’t relevant to this … Read more