Actions and reactions: Newton was wrong

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Clearly Newton was not in the social sciences. I saw a bumper sticker: Keep talking, I’m reloading Besides poor punctuation… What makes one an acceptable response to the other?! I’m completely flabbergasted by transgressions, real or perceived, that some people regard as sufficient to shoot … Read more


The sunsets in Arizona are pretty consistently amazing. When I lived back east, there was occasionally a sunset that really made you stop and just take it in, but here, it happens regularly. Almost daily. After living here for almost 16 years, I’ve not tired of it. I’m sure the photo I used for this … Read more


I’ve been somewhat fascinated with my hands lately. I have callouses from rock climbing. I love my climbing callouses, which seems odd, but I think they’re just a reminder that I have time and ability to do something I enjoy doing on a regular basis. And maybe a splash of the badass feeling I had … Read more

Introversion as a deficiency

During the course of conversation and brainstorming with my group during a training, someone mentioned that they have children whose parents put them in an ensemble (band or orchestra) to “get over their shyness.” First of all, in a traditionally-run ensemble, there’s not a lot of verbal interaction between players, so that’s not really going … Read more