Your contribution to collective emotional pollution

“You choose what you put out into the world.” I don’t remember where this crossed my path recently, but it was timely. It ties in to an earlier post about negative people—from a first-person perspective. My output of complaining goes in cycles. When I notice it’s increasing, I make an effort to cut it back. … Read more

I’m tired of being busy

Variables confound. As a kid, I was interested in a lot of things. In the six years of junior high and high school, I did band, orchestra, jazz band, marching band, flute choir, show choir, flute lessons, art lessons, basketball, softball, school plays, school musicals, German club, student council, creative writing. Not all of them … Read more

An anniversary without which there are no others

It was a long, rectangular room, with posh reclining chairs lining three walls and turning the corners on the fourth. The remaining space had a counter with cabinets and maybe a sink behind it. I don’t remember more detail than that. Except that attached to the front side of the counter was a small Liberty … Read more