First day of school!

In the district where I teach, today is the first day of school for students. (Teachers, counselors, others started last week. Principals, custodians, some of the office staff have been working all summer.) Today is July 23. I grew up in New Jersey, where school always started after Labor Day. (We have mid-quarter parent conferences … Read more

The Liberty Bell

lib•er•ty (Merriam Webster) the quality or state of being free: the power to do as one pleases freedom from physical restraint freedom from arbitrary or despotic control the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges the power of choice   During our trip, we spent a just few hours in Philadelphia. … Read more

Know better, do better: your dollars

The short version: my goal is to help people be educated so they can make decisions in an informed way. I am not trying to scare people or to be a downer, though I acknowledge that these days, most of the news is bad news. The fact is that in a capitalistic society, the main … Read more