Reflections on COVID stab #2

Walking through ASU’s basketball stadium, following the floor dots and sandwich boards on my way to get my second COVID shot, I was a little overwhelmed. Part of it is our good fortune in medicine. I don’t think vaccines are 100% good, safe, effective, or administered on an appropriate schedule, but with a virus that’s … Read more

I wrote a book!

I’ve been talking about writing a book for over a decade, and I finally did it! Initially, I was going to self-publish, but with feedback from an editor who has been in the business for a long time, I decided to submit it for publication. Said editor has the manuscript right now; I expect it … Read more

On being late

The Kid and I were talking about our school-day mornings recently. On that particular day, I had woken up half an hour before the alarm. The alarm is half an hour before I need to wake The Kid, and I wake him half an hour before we need to leave. I got up and took … Read more

Big change from removing a small hurdle

We recently replaced our vacuum with a cordless vacuum. It’s remarkably easier to vacuum now. Doing the living room “real quick” actually happens. Getting the bedroom done while the vacuum is out is no big deal. The hallway between the main living spaces and where we store the vacuum has never been cleaner. Doing just … Read more