Recent podcasts I’ve loved

I listened to and loved two very different podcasts recently. The first, titled Not really having this argument, was from Akimbo by Seth Godin. It’s only about 18 minutes long (the subsequent 10 or so minutes are follow-up questions from the previous episode, though there was one in there that I also found compelling, so … Read more

A little ego boost

I found a photography game via Facebook ad and joined it. Simply: There are a bunch of contests with themes. You enter one or four photos (depending on the rules of the contest) and other users vote on them. Whoever created the contest also chooses their favorites. They run between two and eight days. The … Read more


I’m always fascinated by how people differently define their common experiences. How do you define “summer”? Summer solstice to autumnal equinox? End of school to beginning of school? When it’s hot out? When traffic is better or worse (depending on your area)? What constitutes summer has changed for me over time, but only marginally. When … Read more