Food happiness, inspired by veggies

Last week, I had quite a few small moments of food-induced happiness. Trader Joe’s used to have a samosa burrito and then they didn’t carry it any more, and it’s back! I bought one and had it for lunch. Yum! Potatoes, peas, carrots, cauliflower with chutney and spices wrapped in a tortilla. It’s not health … Read more

2021 Year in Review

photo of a watercolor sketch of the word cultivate

For my final blog post of 2021—the year in review. It was a wild year, deeply creative, with a lot of output. This time last year, I’d just finished writing a book (first round writing, not editing and such), quit my job due to COVID concerns, and was going to see what I could do … Read more

Change, one drip at a time

My standard advocacy for change is small, sustainable pieces. My eating habits changed that way. My exercise habits changed that way. My financial habits changed that way. (I do think there are situations where this isn’t the best, but it applies more broadly than cold turkey, in my opinion and experience.) Bits that are so … Read more

A quiet hour

The sunsets here recently have been fantastic. Colors that impress without filters. Last night, I decided to go up to South Mountain, a local municipal park with tons of hiking, to see if I could get some photos. (Largest municipal park in the country!) Climbing Daddy and Rocket Kid went hiking for real on a … Read more

Some bridges are just burned

I recently read a short piece about moving through life and healing, changing, growing as you go, and just because you’ve changed doesn’t mean others owe it to you to be part of your life again. This stirred up a variety of thoughts and emotions, primarily: I’m deeply sad about this from one perspective and … Read more